ETRR Technologies
Power Up

5 MW – 10 MW – 20MW Solar Module Manufacturing Plants

Delivery, installation and commissioning schedule Manufacturing Integrated Photovoltaic Power Programme (MIP3):

Estimated deployment schedule upon permit issuance and initial project payments – based on timely completion of applicable site preparations and project payments. Delivery schedule: After valid contract is signed and purchase order is made with downpayment:

  • Equipment delivery starting at 12 months
  • Equipment delivery completed at 16 months
  • The Factory is expected to be operational at 20 months

Performance and warranties:

The a-Si laminates show excellent long-term stability and performance:

  • 30+ year useful life
  • Annual degradation rates well under 1%, typically 0.25 to 0.50% per year
  • Stability exceeding the typical 90% 10 year and 80% 20-25 year power warranties
  • use up to 15 years finds that the PV modules are likely to maintain >90% of their original power after 25 years in use
  • Warranties:
    Factory: one-year EURO-TITAN Factory manufacturing line warranty; key equipment and components carry applicable original supplier warranties
    Power Plant: solar panels to retain 80% of original stabilized power output in 20 years; key balance of system components (inverters, etc.) carry applicable original supplier  warranties
  • Proven durability:
    Factory: key equipment reasonably should last 20+ years, with appropriate repair and maintenance, based on EURO-TITAN team’s unique 15+ years of solar panel factory experience
  • Turn-key solution: Factory and Power Plant provided on complete, ready-to-use basis
  • Training: Factory and Power Plant installation, operations, safety and maintenance
  • Services: Design, planning, consulting on Factory, Power Plant and application of output
  • Technology updates: Factory regularly updated with process technology improvements

Corrosion effects:
The hermetically-sealed encapsulated a-Si thin film solar module using a back cover sheet of glass, which is vacuum laminated to the thin film-bearing front sheet, using water proof adhesive hermetically glued to the frameless rear glass surface.  The a-Si thin film modules’ stable, non-toxic materials: plain glass, silicon, aluminium and zinc coating are 100 times thinner (and lighter) than the traditional Crystalline Silicon semiconductor wafers. The absence of grounded frame that can collect and retain moisture is second defence against leakage caused corrosion. The a-Si laminates exhibit excellent durability with module cracking, breakage, failure rates comparable to framed traditional modules. The resulting product costs is 50% to 70% less to manufacture (per Watt of module power output), provides greater energy yields (more kWh for each kW installed) and is more versatile than traditional photovoltaic modules.

Performance in high temperature:
Traditional Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) offers highest sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency (18%)…but efficiency drops sharply outside of peak sun hours, on cloudy days, and in high heat.

The a-Si thin film offers:

  • Superior performance in low light = most production hours
  • No disruption in cloudy weather, shade-tolerant
  • Locations with less sunlight also will benefit
  • Smoother power curve = better, more manageable for grids
  • Superior performance in high temperatures (a-Si)
  • In hot climates, a 1MW PV system using 5%-efficient a-Si can produce
  • 15% more kWh per year than a 1MW PV system using 18%-efficient c-Si
  • Much lower investment and operating cost per Watt
  • Sleek glass, and aesthetic design

Maintenance of a-Si thin film modules Solar Farm:

  • Durable and low-maintenance,
  • Materials are compact, uniform, hermetically-sealed,
  • Less complex cell connectivity,
  • No tracking needed = even lower cost to install and use,
  • No moving parts to service and replace,
  • Lighter-weight and more versatile,
  • No moving parts, no mechanical components,
  • No spare parts,
  • No lubricants,
  • No coolant,
  • No fire or explosion hazard,
  • Less operation management hazard,
  • No toxic cadmium content, unlike cadmium telluride and many competitors’ CIGS solar panels,
  • Uses no water (unlike solar thermal steam generators or solar panels which need cleaning),
  • Uses no oils (unlike sun-tracking technologies with moving parts),
  • The regular practical maintenance exercise is the trimming grass between the lines of solar panel modules,
  • Normal low-cost maintenance will prevent any maintenance issues from desert environment, and the solar panels should last 20 to 30+ years, based on 20+years of solar power plant experience.

Area and other requirements for the Manufacturing Integrated Photovoltaic Power Programme (MIP3):

10MW solar panel Factory integrated with a total of 50MW solar Power Plant:

  • 10MW solar panel Factory: 6 lines, semi-automatic (Partner Factory)
    Factory output: 10MW of 1.0 m2 thin-film a-Si solar panels per year
    Factory site requirements: 8,500m2 building + additional land for parking, freight access
    Electricity: 1,900 kW (1,700 to the production lines)
    Natural gas: 330 cum/h (16 cum/h to the production lines)
    Air conditioning: 23 ±2 ̊C
    Water: 30 cum/day
    Waste water: contains biodegradable cleaning solvent
    Pressurized air supply: standard required in the Factory
    Factory will create 300+ jobs (based on semi-automation level), plus hundreds more related jobs
  • 50MW solar Power Plant using solar panels supplied by Partner Factory
    Power Plant output: as much as 90+ MM kWh per year (at 1,800 peak-effective sun hours per year). Site area requirement: 200 – 300 hectares total land (depending on     mix of solar panels used)